Monday, July 5, 2010

ssly - the law of giving and receiving

"the universe operates through dynamic exchange"

We are all in constant exchange with the universe. It is this exchange that keeps the life force going. Chopra says that "life is the flow of all the elements and forces that comprise the field of existence". And that "stopping the circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood".

We must all be open to the law of giving and receiving in order to keep the life force circulating.

How do we do this?

It's easier than you might think.

Here are three things Deepak suggests to help stay connected to the flow of the universe

* Breathe. Maintain your breathing awareness. This is the easiest most natural way to keep the life force, prana, in cirulation. A steady, effortless exchange of air with our environment.

* Be grateful. Celebrate your existence. Be open and accepting to gifts that come your way; whether they be in the form of a small gift, a rainbow or a compliment. Take some time to enjoy your surroundings, enjoy being you.

* Give. Set an intention to give to whomever you come into contact with during your day. This is the best part, it doesn't have to be a material gift, in fact it is the non-material gifts that go the furthest in the realm of giving. Give a compliment. Give love. Give affection. Give a prayer.

When we are open to the law of giving and receiving and the life force is flowing, we are in natural alignment with the universe.

What I love so much about this is the simplicity in it's nature, but the greatness of its scale. We are all responsible for a little give and take and in the end this will help to keep us connected. This is what will ensure the dynamic exchange that is essential for the existence of the universe.

So here I am, sending out my positive vibes and opening my heart to what the universe tosses my way.

This weekes mantra

Om Vardhanam Namah
I am the nourisher of the universe

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