Thursday, July 1, 2010

canada eh

Happy Canada Day!

It sure doesn't feel like July 1st over here in Korea and I've gotta say, I'm not the happiest about missing out on a long weekend. But I have donned my red and white and am doing my damndest to represent the homeland.

I put together a little fun facts quiz about Canada for my kiddies which was actually pretty hilarious.

Here are some of the questions/answers that I got

How old is Canada?

What is our national animal?
*Korea's national animal is the tiger and they thought it was pretty hilarious that ours is the beaver. I mean seriously, the beaver? Aren't there a lot of bears in Canada? Just sayin'.

What is our national sport?
Make a igloo

What languages do we speak in Canada?
English and Innuit

Seriously cute stuff.

And one fun fact for you guys.....did you know that Canadians have the highest consumption of mac and cheese of every nation? That's right, good ol KD. Gotta love it.

After school Mike and I are heading out for some poutine. Doesn't get any more Canadian than that, eh?

~Peace and hugs~

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