Monday, January 20, 2014

poems of the heart

My Beloved Child
My beloved child, break your heart no longer.
Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart;
you stop feeding on the love which is the wellspring of your vitality.
The time has come. Your time to live, to celebrate.
And to see the goodness that you are.
Do not fight the dark, just turn on the light.
Let go and Breathe in to Goodness that you are.
~Swami Kripalu
Leap of Faith
Standing before a fork
in the road
there is not a right answer

or truth cast in stone, there are
choices and plans and desire,

there is the heart of fire and
twist of fate,
there is the unveiling

of who you are and who you
are becoming.

This I have found after
bargaining with my hopes

and my destiny. There is only
a still quiet voice within

that tells me trust what you
know and then surrender,

leap if you must, let your wings
unfurl, let your angels play catch.

We drink dreams from a
sliver of moon.
~Wendy Brown

Thursday, January 16, 2014

sweet and easy neck and shoulders

Hey hey hey! 

I posted a youtube video! 
A sweet, gentle flow for neck and shoulders. 
Check it out. 
You don't even have to put pants on :) 
Let me know what you think. 
Also, I'm going to be posting these more often so let me know if you have any requests.

the name game

Hey all!

I'm changing the url of the site. will now be  See you there!

Peace and much love :)