Wednesday, November 14, 2012

back to the charting board

After a long day of travel in Indonesia.  ...this is how I feel today.
I'm tired.  Like dog ass tired.  At first I thought it might be the weather.  Than I thought it could be 'that' time of my cycle.  Than I thought maybe it could be because my schedule is getting busier.  I'm sure it's a combo of all three.  But also the fact that I've been eating like shit, going to bed late and getting up later and have been missing my morning yoga practice.

During my Energy month I was feeling great!  I was following my intentions, loving ticking things off and truly had more energy.  I thought that I could just keep it up without the daily reminder.  But the only thing that has stuck is improved dental hygiene.  I am now a regular dentist would be so proud.

So, back to charting.

So far this month of relationships hasn't been the most successful.  Probably because I've been so tired and lazy.  Which, I should tell you are not the best ingredients when you're living with someone who is also tired and you're both trying to work on your relationship.  But, we're trying.  And have agreed that our relationship deserves two months.  So this will carry over.

I came across this great article on Elephant Journal about relationships and will add some of this in too.

The Whole Point of Every Relationship (is probably not what you think it is).

Anyways, did a big grocery shop with lots of veggies so this should help the three servings.  Also, changed my schedule around a bit so that my early mornings are free next week so I can get my yoga on!!!  It's amazing how being tired can affect everything.  Need to remember to always watch my energy levels!

~peace :)

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