Thursday, January 13, 2011

confessions of a detox deviant

Was it just last Friday that I was patting myself on the back for having done so well on this detox?

Friday was the first day that I cheated (aside from NYE) and it sent me into a spiral of deviant acts.

It went something like this...

Friday night - wine, vodka, gambling

Saturday - detox maven

Sunday - good day, added parm to my pesto....much needed and delicious

Monday - sweet potato cake - "mashita" as they say in korean. Delicious.

Tuesday - good

Wednesday - wine and cheese

I am now officially off the detox as Mike's parents have arrived in Busan and there is NO WAY I'm going to miss out on all the good food and drink to be had. But I am going to eat in a maintenance style. There are a few things that I found way too limiting over the last couple of weeks and I'll say that my pineapple this morning tasted mighty good.

Things that I'm going to take away from this.

Warm lemon water with honey to start off the day. This is said to aid in your digestion and help put you on the 'right track' for the day. What I loved about this was it pushed me to get out of bed a bit earlier than usual as it's suggested that you drink your tea at room temp and that it should be the first thing that you injest. So, a lot of mornings I would get my tea ready and than sit on my mat and do a light stretch or...come back into bed and steal some extra cuddle time with Mike.

Cutting out wheat and gluten - I'm not sure how easy this is going to be to totally cut out. But I am definitely going to cut it back. A LOT. I think this is one of those things in my diet that I didn't even realise had an effect on my body, but it did. And the effect was that of a slug.

Cutting out dairy - Again, not completely but quite a bit. I found my saviour throughout the detox were these soya milk with black bean drinks that were like a "b rated" chocolate milk. Like if Robert Redford were chocolate milk these were Jack Black - still delicious, just a little underrated.

Sugar. I will do my best to stay away from refined sugar!

Cheese, chocolate and wine are going to be the biggies here. None of these are things that I want to give up. Ever. Nor are they things that I plan to give up. Ever. But, I think I can cut back, just a wee bit.

On a whole, I am going to try to avoid processed foods and go for whole, natural foods. This is a change that I have been talking about making for a while and there is no time like the present!

We'll see how it all goes!

word :)

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