Tuesday, June 22, 2010

seven spiritual laws of yoga

I am re-reading Deepak Chopra's The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga. I have read both this and his Seven Spiritual Laws of Success a few years back. I remember feeling quite inspired while reading this.

I remember feeling connected with what I was reading as if intuitively it all made sense. Scratch that - most of it made sense. But to be quite honest there are certain concepts in this book that I don't fully understand but have never taken the time to really look into. Also, as with most books, about a month or so goes by and I forget most of what I've read. I have been cursed with the mothers memory.

And so, I have decided to give it another go and really dig in to it.

And so it began...

Introduction - "the Seven Spiritual Laws of success are the laws of nature applied to the human experience. They are the principles through which the unmanifest become the manifest..."

And....I'm lost.

Unmanifest vs manifest. What does that even mean?

At this pace it's looking like it's going to take me quite a while to get through this... But, I do want to fully understand where these laws originate from. So, I did a little googlin' and this is what I've come up with.

The unmanifest is our thoughts, energy. The manifest is the physical, our bodies.

The unmanifest is subconscious while the manifest is conscious

The unmanifest is the deepest part of who we are and what we can become. The manifest is the obvious part of life - what we see.

The unmanifest is our soul - our true potential

...and that's enough for today

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