Tuesday, June 1, 2010

layin' back and kickin up'

The hypochondriac in me thinks I have a blood clot, the realist assures me it's from too much idle time at my desk. It's been months now, that I've started to notice a pulsing, swelling feeling in my left calf. It's not painful by any means, but noticeable, uncomfortable. It's the worst at the end of a long day of not doing much.

I spend a fair amount of time at my desk while at school and I try to keep my legs up for most of the time, but come 440 when the final bell rings I am all too aware of the tightness in my calf. Yoga helps, walking helps, pilates helps. But what helps the most and is so so simple......legs up the wall pose. It's such an amazing feeling to just lay back in bed toss the legs up and feel the blood start to drain from my feet as it flows down through my legs.

It has been said by many a yogi that legs up the wall is the asana to ease whatever ails you. It is a more passive, milder version of shoulder stand, which, Iyengar aserts that if we do for 10 minutes every day any physical, mental or emotional ailment we have will be healed. Uh, yes please!

But, I don't want to do shoulder stand for 10 mins every day. Don't get me wrong, I dig a good shoulder stand as part of a session but I'm just totally in love with the anytime kinda feeling of legs up the wall. And so to get these ultimate healing affects I'm going to stick to this pose of ease. And the fact that I can do it in my bed...come on.

Here's why layin' back and kickin' up is good

*Helps to relieve tired and cramped legs and feet by reversing the flow of blood
*You get a sweet little stretch through the back of the legs as well as the back of the neck
*There is an undeniable calming affect on the monkey mind
*Your belly starts to soften and tension leaves the lower back and sacrum
*Anyone can do this pose!

Why isn't everyone doing this pose?

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