Wednesday, June 16, 2010

sweet surrender

The Bindu Wiles 21.5.800 challenge is proving to be, well, challenging. But good things are coming from this challenge. What I am learning is that the hardest part is just getting started, but once I log in or roll out the mat everything starts to flow.

The other morning I woke up feeling tired and really not at all like doing yoga. But I knew that I wouldn't be doing it at any other point that day. So with sleepy eyes I unrolled my mat and started into a little yin yoga. What made this practice so easy is that I have a sequence that I love to do that I know by heart. I discovered this sequence from yoga journal a few years ago and have done it ever since.

It was wonderful. I do aim to really stay still in each pose and just breathe. My body is so tight in the mornings so it takes some time to wake up, but it's in the mornings when I feel that I get the most out of a yin session. It's in the mornings when I can actually feel my joints soften as my body opens up to each pose.

5 breaths in I'm a bit fidgety, trying to find the sweet spot
10 breaths in my body softens as I start to settle into the pose
15 breaths in and beyond I have completely surrendered and am loving it!

And I've started to take this approach into other areas of my life. Just get started. Things will flow from there. I knew that this challenge would be good for me. I didn't know why at the time, but I'm starting to see that it's not just about getting on the mat or writing more. It's about taking more time for myself, more time with my thoughts. And I'm starting to see that surrendering is okay. Surrendering into a pose or into life - as long as I keep breathing everything will be okay!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Doing yin first thing in the morning sounds really nice. I checked out the sequence you linked to - I'll probably give that a try.
